Saturday, January 4, 2014

Peppermint Rice Krispies

A little late for Christmas, but it sure feels like Christmas still here in Maine. Just finished one snow storm and we have another one right around the corner. Needless to say I'm drinking quite a lot of hot chocolate, and what is hot chocolate without marshmallows? Mediocre. I went out before the snow really hit this year and happened upon peppermint marshmallows and decided to give them a try. They're fantastic. I love them. So I decided to make peppermint rice krispies. They're still hardening up in the fridge, but the little bit I had was delicious. Will definitely be trying these in other flavors! In case anybody is looking for a quick, easy, rice krispie treat recipe here's the one I used: 3 tablespoons of butter, 4 cups mini marshmallows or 1 pkg (10 oz) regular mashmallows, and 6 cups of rice krispies. melt butter over low heat, add marshmallows and continue stirring until fully melted. Remove from heat and stir in rice krispies. Spread in a 9x13 pan (using a buttered spatula or wax paper makes this step easier but if you use your fingers you can lick them afterwards ;) ) coated with cooking spray. Let cool, cut and serve. Or if you're like me just rip a chunk off ;) Enjoy!!

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