Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Crochet Basket

Well I finished this much quicker than I thought I would; I think all together, actual crocheting time, it took me about 4 hours. Again, I had to improvise, I don't have 4 skeins of 9 colors of yarn or the money to go buy that much, so I used 2 strands of different colors and I think it turned out pretty cool. I also gave myself a little freedom with how wide each stripe was, and I also decided to make it a mirror look. Here's a close up of all the color combinations. From top to bottom: light blue and brown, light pink and gray, red and tan, light green and creme, dark blue and black. Because I only used 2 strands instead of 4 it's not as stiff as the original looks, or as big I'm thinking, but I think it'll be just perfect for me to use for a little project tote so I don't have to carry around my HUGE bag of yarn. Not that I truly need another bag for craft projects but that's ok ;) Anybody else out there take a pattern and improvise it? Did it turn out maybe not quite "perfect" but actually pretty perfect for you? I'd love to see/hear stories :)

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