Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Almost Done

Very sorry I haven't posted anything the last couple of days, I was visiting with my brother because he heads back to Japan in the morning and I wanted to spend what time I could with him. He's got about 10 months left and then he'll be home on terminal leave until his time ends, almost to the finish line! Can't wait until he's out and can just stay home with the family, but I'm also extremely proud of what he has accomplished while he's been in the Navy. I may be the older sister but I look up to my brother, he is a hero, MY hero, and I'm glad I get to have him for a brother! Working on this basket, had to improvise a little bit to fit what I have in my yarn collection, but I like it so far! I'll post pictures when I'm done :) Until then, have a wonderful week!

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