Monday, January 13, 2014

Birds Nest Necklace

I know the name of the blog doesn't include jewelry but I love making jewelry too! I've just started getting into wire wrapping and found this simple project to try as my first and I love the way it turned out! I apologize that my pictures are a little blurry, my camera isn't the greatest unfortunately, my phone camera is actually better, go figure. Unfortunately I live in the sticks and have to go into town to send pictures from my phone to my email so I can add them here, so tomorrow I'll get the clearer pictures sent and add them to the post. For now here you go with pictures of my necklace: Her tutorial is great, she didn't specify a way to keep the sharp ends from scratching so I used round nose pliers to tuck the ends into one of the beads and so far it's seeming to work well, I'll update on that once I wear it. I'm thinking these may be my mother's day presents this year. I may even try doing this as a ring, just using smaller beads, not sure how/if that would work with tucking the ends into the bead though, I'll try it later tonight after I eat supper and let you all know how it works. Anybody have some neat wire wrapping projects you'd like to share?

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