Friday, September 23, 2016

Star Stitch

So for anybody who actually does follow this blog I apologize that it's been almost a YEAR since I last posted.  In the space of 9 months (April 2015-January 2016) I had 9 people in my life pass away, 4 of whom were close family members.  Needless to say this blog wasn't my priority and I decided to take some time to heal.  I won't say I'm "there", but I am better, and now that I've mostly settled into my new place I'm getting back into crafting so here I be! :)  I'm not going to post a tutorial of my own of this stitch, the lady who runs the blog I found it on does a really good job in her video tutorial, so I'm just going to post the link to her page.

If you are like me and prefer just reading written directions let me give a few notes on hers that will help them make sense.  1st, watch the video.  :)  I'm not usually one to watch the video, but the nature of the stitch is such that written directions are bound to be confusing, and as I followed them I became frustrated and ended up watching the video and it made much more sense.  Now onto some real notes ;)  I've never done or seen anybody else crochet into a chain like she does, I've probably missed an important lesson in crocheting somewhere but oh well, she crochets into both loops of the chain for the first row, I've only ever chained into 1 loop.  That said, when she says to pull a loop through the chain directly next to your hook (the one everybody always skips because it's a pain), going through both loops is a TON easier!!!  Mind blown.  I also experimented with just doing the other chains (in the rows after the first row) and looping over before I pulled a loop through the hdc stitch and it seemed to work fine, but I was using my scrap yarn at the time to work out kinks before I started an actual project, so I'm not 100% sure if it would over time affect the height of the piece or not (because you're not getting the extra loop at the top of the star but at the bottom).  I decided not to risk it in my project because I HATE having to go back and fix something, so I'm double looping it, but if anybody tries it the other way and it works out let me know :) Next, when she says to pull through the "5th loop", she means the 5th loop you personally pulled up, which in reality is the 6th loop.  It makes a difference.  My scrap piece's edges were all wonky because the stars were squished.  The edges on my project are beautiful.  Next, at the end of the star row when she says to chain 2, I've been chaining 1.  I found that 2 made a hole that was harder to hide and 1 seems to be doing a good job of blending everything in.  Next, this is just a personal preference note so-to-speak.  My scrap yarn was variegated, and I wouldn't recommend it for a project.  The stars look a bit choppier because of the hdc row, some looked ok, but others the colors were polar opposites and it didn't look smooth, and also the back of it looked awful where it should look very similar to the front.  Mine didn't...just the nature of the yarn given the pattern.  Good luck if you decide to try it!! I'm using this pattern to make the other baby blanket for my twin nieces born in April of this year, so I need to get back to it lol :) Here's a picture of what mine looks like so far.

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